From Pressure to Diamonds: Embracing Stress Through Transformation

Arielle Stewart, Founder of Creed & Cloth

Recognizing Stress Awareness Month for Entrepreneurs

As Stress Awareness Month comes to a close, Mental Health Awareness Month arrives with a particular resonance for entrepreneurs, for whom stress often becomes an inescapable companion. Statistics reveal that entrepreneurs are 30% more likely to experience depression than their non-entrepreneurial counterparts, highlighting the unique pressures they face. While the entrepreneurial journey inherently involves stress and challenge, it’s a common misconception that enduring this stress is a badge of honor. This mindset is especially prevalent among entrepreneurs of color, who frequently confront additional barriers and may feel that there is glory in the struggle. Yes, it's true that overcoming challenges can forge resilience - it’s great character development. But it's crucial to approach these stresses in a healthy way. By focusing on effective stress management, we can transform pressure into diamonds, and potential stumbling blocks into stepping stones for growth, ensuring that we don’t just endure but thrive.

Personal Journey: Transformation Amid Turmoil

In 2022, I faced what could easily be described as the most transformational period of my life so far. After ending an eight-year marriage, I found myself in my own flat, living solo for the first time in my life, navigating the complexities of my healing journey, planning my return to the US, and laying the groundwork for my new business. At the time, my stress levels soared to an all-time high. I was overwhelmed, constantly grappling with a never-ending to-do list, and sleep was elusive. As the saying goes, "Pressure makes diamonds”, and it was through these intense pressures that I discovered my resilience and began the challenging yet rewarding process of reshaping my world.

Coping Mechanisms: Affirmations and Creative Outlets

Therapy was a game-changer for sure, but it was just one hour every two weeks. I needed something to help keep me grounded day in and day out, especially in those unexpected moments when stress, doubt, and fear started to creep in. That's where moodboarding and daily affirmations came into play and truly transformed my daily routine. After repeating my affirmations every morning and night for weeks, they became a part of me—I could recite them anytime I needed a quick anchor. Moodboarding was just as powerful. Whenever I needed a quick escape or a dose of calm, I’d pull out my phone, open Pinterest, and lose myself in the visual worlds I’d created, each one a personal sanctuary tailored by me, for me.

I wrote down affirmations and taped them to my wardrobe doors. Some were to help keep me grounded, like "I am divinely supported in all I do". Some were very specific, "All of my credit scores are excellent". I said them every single morning to start my day, and every night before bed as I wrapped my hair in silk. It was Being a visual person, Pinterest has always been an oasis for me. A place of calm and intention. I created my 'homecoming' mood board where I collected images that reflected the new life I was manifesting, and I had other boards that were meditative spaces for me, with images that captured the divine feminine, love, art, and nature. This visual practice offered me a sense of calm and intention, essential for my mental and emotional grounding.

I’m grateful to have been able to pour this into my work. This fusion of nurturing our hair with silk while feeding ourselves with uplifting affirmations led to the creation of Creed & Cloth. The Law of Attraction scarf is an emblem of self-care that caters to both the inner and outer you. It's not just an accessory, but a tool for self-care that supports both your physical and emotional well-being, making every day a little more luxurious and a lot more inspiring.

Practical Tips: Harnessing Affirmations and Mood Boards for Stress Relief

Affirmations are a potent tool for anyone looking to alleviate stress. Start by identifying areas of your life where you seek change or support. Write down affirmations that resonate with those needs—make them specific, positive, and present tense. Place them where you'll see them every day, like on a mirror or wardrobe, and recite them with conviction.

Mood-boarding can be equally transformative. Begin by setting clear intentions for what you wish to manifest. Use platforms like Pinterest to collect images that align with these intentions. Whether it’s your dream job, ideal home, or a state of being like peace or joy, your mood board should be a visual reflection of your desired future. Let it serve as a daily reminder and source of inspiration.

If you feel overwhelmed, adopting these practices could be a game-changer. These daily rituals not only help manage stress- they’re powerful manifestation tools!

CTA: Join the Community of Transformation

I invite you to share your own stories of overcoming stress or share your favorite stress-relieving products, affirmations and inspo here on the WOC Pinterest Page! Let’s celebrate our journeys, support one another, and grow together. Your story could be the beacon of hope someone needs to see today!