Grants from The Watkins Collective... Don't Miss This!

According to this article qouting Harvard Business Review, 61% of Black women self-fund their total start-up, even though only 29% of Black women entrepreneurs live in households with incomes over $75,000 (compared to 52% of white men). The article goes on to list these four common challenges that black women face in business:

  1. Access to captial

  2. Prejudice from conventional lenders

  3. Lack of support, and

  4. Burnout

This is disheartening to read, but can be empowering given the right set of tools. Check out these resources, for 2024, published by The Watkins Collective!

WOC Worldwide and The Watkins Collective have no affiliation with the grantors and resources listed. Please directed questions to the contacts provided in each link, and be sure to check the upcoming deadlines!