What I Shared at Beyond Budgeting!

So, you saw our announcement…I joined a panel this month about diversifying your income with BLK in BLOOM! Also this month, CNBC published this article highlighting that “93% of women are stressed about money.” and FORBES published “New Study Highlights How Women Can Control Their Financial Well-Being.” But it’s a well documented fact that you can’t save or budget your way to wealth. So, what’s a girl to do?

I was asked to join this panel because I wear many hats. Starting with maintaining this community, I’ve also worked in corporate, consult small business owners and manage a real estate portfolio with my family. It’s not always easy, but it has been rewarding up until this point to have more control and freedom when it comes to my financial future. I sat on the panel, alongside a group of dynamic women who are also wearing several hats as business owners, W2 employees, wives and mothers. I was honored to contribute to the conversation and learned a lot as well.

Brenda Ali is the founder and Creator at The Queen City Mama (@theqcmama). She shared how she is partnering with her husband to build wealth through real-estate and thrives as a solo-prebeur focused on content creation!

Victoria Gamble (@wealthybnb) is founder of Wealthy BNB and Black F.I.R.E.! Her background in banking lead her to think of creative ways to successfully to build free cash flow through rental arbitrage. She has also packaged tools and educational content to show other women the way!

Taylor Redd is founder and CEO at Redd Rose Vodka (@reddrosevodka), the first and only women own vodka company in NC. Redd Rose is a delicious Strawberry Lemon-flavored corn vodka, that I had the privilege of first tasting in 2023 at an investor dinner, and I’ve been hooked ever since!! Taylor also owns a cocktail catering company, and works in the legal profession and has great stories about how to network your way into a room!

So what did I learn as a panelist at “Beyond Budgeting”? A few things:

  1. Monetize what you’re already great at doing - there’s a wide variety of ways to make money.

  2. Start ASAP - the time is going to pass anyway and the longer you way the less time you have to learn, build, refine and pivot your idea! Most major corporations are running on excel spreadsheets, so certainly you can create cash flow by putting pen to paper.

  3. Ask for help! As women, sometime it’s hard but starting early by bartering ideas, skills and resources with other women will help you fail forward faster.